In a session you discover your life purpose crystal, your challenge (shadow) and your higher calling (gift). After the session you have the opportunity to purchase The Liquid Crystal remedies to facilitate your journey.
Find out the Hidden Meaning of Your First Name. When your Shadow is mastered and you can embody your Purpose and Higher Purpose Crystals to the same degree holding them in Balance, you have completed this life’s Journey.
The Liquid Crystals (TLC) are geometric vibrational remedies made from the Earths Metals, Minerals and Crystals. They are change facilitators, healing Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and thus Physical imbalance.
The Liquid Crystals are created via an ancient remembered process that embraces Crystalline Integrity, Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, Solar, Luna and Universal energy.
"One Heart, One Voice, One Vision, One Spirit"
Created by Justin Moikeha Asar